This Smartwatch is in Disguise as a Regular Watch 1

This Smartwatch is in Disguise as a Regular Watch


People have always wondered why Superman had the need for such subterfuge with the hidden identity and all. After all, it’s not as if he had a family or anything. He had some random coworkers and a girl he had a crush on. Still, I can see the allure. Pretend you are lesser than so when you bust through with your full potential people will be all the more wowed. That’s the idea behind this just announced smartwatch, after all. It’s the smartwatch so smart that it doesn’t even have to look smart. It’s so sure of itself that it is fine looking, well, dumb.

Introducing the Withings Activité smartwatch. Take one look at this bad boy and you’ll likely question what could be smart about this classy old thing. It just looks like your garden variety fancy watch one of them people with a job would wear. However, under the hood it is a different story. This watch is outfitted with an array of sensors that, in usual smartwatch fashion, keep an eye on your vitals so you can be sure you won’t be dropping dead anytime soon. It’s also waterproof and the battery lasts an astounding full year, which is kind of amazing for a smartwatch. Like similar devices, it transmits all data collected to your iOS device. Android is in the works.

This stunner is available in black and white, at a suggested retail price of $390. It’ll be on store shelves in the fall. Be sure these store shelves aren’t just pretending to be regular store shelves when in fact they are smartshelves.

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