Smartwatches, in case you hadn’t noticed, are poised for a major invasion of humanity’s wrists. Since we are staunchly pro-invasion here at Crunchwear you will hear no rousing speeches about the sanctity of naked wrists or any other such nonsense. Instead, you’ll hear a whole lot about what smartwatches will be coming your way and what cool and innovative things they will be bringing to the table. After all, the smartwatch war is still any company’s to win and we have a front row seat(as do you.) On that note, here is yet another forthcoming smartwatch vying for that all-important arm real estate.
It’s called the GemWhere and, no, it doesn’t magically create rubies and other precious gemstones from thin air. It does something much, much cooler, it talks to you! Oh wait, that’s not nearly as cool as free gemstones but still, it’ll have to do. This is the perfect smartwatch for people who want even more convenience in their watch designs. Instead of having to scour through small text in order to read your emails or favorite web pages, this watch features an embedded speaker that reads the information to you lickedity split. It also uses Bluetooth to stream from any nearby speaker if the built in speakers aren’t to your liking. As such, it connects to wi-fi and does all manner of the usual smartwatch bells and whistles.
Unfortunately for people who love to have things read aloud to them, the GemWhere smartwatch isn’t out yet. They’ve taken to Kickstarter of all places to finish funding the dang thing. You can preorder your own for around $199. Go get em, tigers.