Exercise is easy if you have managed to make it part of your daily routine. For the rest of us, however, getting out there and sweating down some calories is one of the most difficult things imaginable. Just the idea of it! After all, Netflix and pizza makes such a great, and easy to obtain, combination it’d be almost a shame to forgo them in favor of a midday jog. In any event, fitness trackers have been trying their best to make getting in the game easier than ever before. Now here is one that may just make you work out smarter. Thank goodness. I work out dumb.
It’s called Moov, which is a purposeful misspelling of the word “move” because every startup and gadget in the known universe must now know be a misspelled version of a popular word. Having said that, however, this thing is pretty darned cool. The waterproof disc can be worn on your wrist like a watch or strapped around your ankle or arm, and can capture movement. While you are doing your thing it pays special attention to how you are moving and then reports back with some either shaming, or affirming, information. It supports  five different workouts: running, weight training, cardio boxing, swimming, and biking. Where’s the yoga guys? Maybe in the next update.
The Moov isn’t out yet, but look for it on store shelves sometime this summer(hey, just in time for shirtless beach season.) Even cooler? It is expected to retail at just $59, which is like a one month membership at a gym.