Google Glass is making a big stir with the trendies and the techies. It is also grabbing the attention of people and businesses that are concerned about the privacy of people who happen to be in the room. The devices are already facing some bans and legislation. One bar, in a semi-PR stunt, has been the first place to explicitly ban the use of the glasses inside the facility. As you can imagine the majority of casino’s in Vegas have also banned the devices. I guess they are determined to make sure that what happens in Vegas will really stay in Vegas.
The device is also facing some legal scrutiny. A, for the time being, stalled attempt, to ban the devices while driving was recently made in West Virginia. The attempt, which has been tabled for the time being, due to more pressing issues, may be considered again in the future.
These efforts are enough to give one pause, after all if you are going to invest several hundred dollars in a device you don’t want it banned half the places you are going to go. Conversely, how comfortable are you going to be with the idea that anyone can take, and share as they see fit, images of you at any given time?
Source: China Daily
Image: Google Glass