BodyMedia's CORE 2 Armband keeps track of your health 1

BodyMedia’s CORE 2 Armband keeps track of your health


In this media-saturated world we all the help we can get to exercise more. Why burn some calories when we can burn time watching Netflix, playing video games, sending emails or, um, reading wearable technology websites? So, with that in mind, a prime component of the wearable tech sector has been figuring out new and amazing ways to trick people off of the couch and on to the track. This usually comes in the form of watches, smartphone apps and other gadgets that monitor your vitals. Also, this tech sometimes comes in a handy, dandy armband. Here is another one that just help you lose that winter weight.

A company called BodyMedia, who have been in this game awhile, have announced the pending release of their CORE 2 series of armbands. These bad boys pack a three-axis accelerometer, plus temperature readers and heat flux and galvanic skin response sensors. The end result? It works to measure all kinds of biometric data. All told, the guts of this gadget measures more than 5,000 units of data per minute. This is going to let you know just how hard, or soft, your work out is treating you. It’s not just for exercising either. The CORE 2 keeps working as you sleep, sending back a host of measurements based on your slumber. Sleep is important, ya’ll.

All of this information gets pumped via Bluetooth to the device of your choosing, so you can be sure to always have access to it if you want to prove which one of your friends is the fittest. The CORE 2 also has nterchangeable faceplates, straps and cuffs, so you can choose exactly how your armband looks as it dangles down the street during a morning jog. Unfortunately, it’s not for sale just yet and the price and availability have yet to be announced. We’ll let you know more soon.


// BodyMedia Company Profile

BodyMedia is a health and fitness company that was started in 1999. Their aim is to improve the quality of people’s lives and at the same time help people to be able to live longer. BodyMedia has a goal, which is to unlock the secrets of the human body. – View Profile

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