We’ve talked in the past about the development process in the past for mobile devices, including the new push by Google to help support developers efforts, with the Glass Collective effort. They are, of course, not the only company that is looking to make development in the wearable tech arena a real possibility. One other company making development for wearable tech a possibility for more developers in the future is Epson Moverio. The company is working with companies such as Omnicom, Publicis, Havas, Dentsu and WPP
Group is looking to create a cadre of Android developers who are interested in working on mobile development for wearable technology, most notably the glasses type of wearable tech. The model that they are developing for is called the Epson BT-100. For those of you who are not familiar with the Epson BT-100 , it is a WiFi connected set of glassed with an OS designed for smart navigation. The OS allows for images to be displayed on the screen in real time, creating its own version of augmented reality.
For now the company is supporting a contest for development, that will award about $16,000 in scholarship money or prizes to the developer of the winning apps. The company is taking entries between now and April 30, so if you have not started coding you may want to get on top of it now. You can sign up for more developer information here.
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RT @CrunchWear: Epson Moverio Sponsors Developers for The Epson BT-100 – http://t.co/ejBaXl2CQt http://t.co/45MzQeZFlK