Activity Trackers

4 Reviews for Fitbit Zip Charcoal Tracker

  1. Terri Johansen

    If you are into the technical aspects of fitness then you will enjoy this review of the Fitbit Zip. This tiny gadget is a clock, pedometer, calculates the distance walked, and the calories you burned, all for the moderate price of $59.95. It has replaced the term pedometer with the latest “Activity Tracker”.The Technical Stuff*The Fitbit Zip is 1.4 inches high, 1.1 inches wide, .38 inch deep and weighs only .28 oz. It’s tiny and can be eencased in a silicone clip. Even in the holder it is small enough to be discreet. It can be worn anywhere on your body, such as your pocket, belt, or bra. Personally, I wear mine on a chain around my neck. The Zip is also rain and sweat-proof.*The Zip comes with a 3V battery which is expected to last from 4-6 months. A low battery screen will alert you when it is time to be replaced. The battery is easy to replace using the battery door tool which locks and unlocks the compartment and is included in the Fitbit Zip packet.*Zip’s trademarked MEMS3-axis accelerometer measurers your motion patterns to calculate your calories burned, distance traveled, and steps taken.*It averages over 90% accuracy in steps taken. It bases the calculations on your personal information which you will enter into the software. I have used the Zip while walking on a treadmill and it works great. It accurately picked up my number of steps as well as providing the other calculations.*The information on the Zip is seen progressively by tapping the screen. Each tap moves you to the next bit of information. Starting with the smiley face, which will become an unsmiling face if it feels you are not exercising enough. Next tap and see the time, tap for steps taken, tap for distance, and tap for calories burned.*Unfortunately the Fitbit Zip does not come with a backlight and it is virtually impossible to see it at night.Software and Synching*There is almost no set-up required. The package contains the Zip(tm) tracker; wireless sync dongle; replaceable battery, the battery door tool, and the Free membership.*The Fitbit tracker is the first all-day activity tracker to offer Bluetooth Smart connectivity. This allows you to receive real time information on your phone, pads, and tablets. There are many fitness apps on the market and the Fitbit Zip is able to connect and export data with many of the most popular apps.*Using the wireless sync dongle, included with your Fitbit, you can sync to your PC, which must be within a 20 ft. distance.*You can log on to and create a free account. Once you have an account you can use the Zip’s synching capabilities to download all of your daily information.*The Zip resets itself each night at 12 a.m. so it’s important to do your synch before bed.*Fitbit software offers online tools that will allow you to log your meals, water, workouts, and weight. There is a huge database of food items to choose from for recording what you eat. This information can travel with you anywhere if you have the mobile app.*The software is a lot of fun. There are an assortment of graphs, tools, and charts which are customizable and can be set up based on your goals. Your personalized dashboard will give you a visual measure of your fitness progress.*The Zip doesn’t record activities other than walking, jogging, or running. However, if you are a biker you can track your activities through the Fitbit software.*Get your friends and family to connect to and you can have some fun competition. The leader board will keep you informed on your standing in the competition all throughout the day.*The Fitbit Zip comes in five colors: blue, magenta, white, charcoal, and lime.I bought my Fitbit Zip a month ago and I love it. Not only is it cute but it is convenient and functional; I no longer wear a wrist watch. I find I’m motivated to check my steps and see when I might need to take a couple walks around the block. The set up was very simple and I was using it 5 minutes after I took it out of the package

  2. Kat Morris

    I am leaving my original review, because truly, the Zip itself remains WONDERFUL and I wish I could write a separate review just about the choices of the company – but alas.Condensed version: If you just want a GREAT pedometer without all the annoyance of normal pedometers, the Zip is PERFECT and will change your life. If you want to use the interactive web features, the new Fitbit Dashboard will ruin all the good that the walking is doing for your blood pressure.The whole saga:The Zip syncs to your computer or phone, and you can go to the Fitbit website to see various stats about your steps, on what is called the Dashboard. Up until recently the Dashboard has been simple, easy to use, clear – everything you need if your main interest is more steps, not sitting in front of a computer for more hours each day.The Dashboard used to be a fun and integral part of my Fitbit experience. I checked it frequently and enjoyed numerous features. Now it is a frustration that I endure only to make sure my Zip is syncing. I still OPEN the page frequently, but that is because it takes so many attempts to actually get the information I need.This is because a month or so ago, Fitbit changed the Dashboard, and not for the better. Now instead of one pretty simple page, there are a number of large widgets you have to reconfigure to get the information the one page used to present quickly and simply. And this would be a minor annoyance, EXCEPT that the damn widgets don’t contain all the same information the one simple page used to! So, I had to spend ten minutes recreating a sorry imitation of a previously useful site. To make things even better, the new Dashboard now takes FOR-freaking-EVER to load. I am not exaggerating when I say that I regularly have to close the window and wait for another time to check the Dashboard because I simply haven’t any more time to sit waiting for it to load. I have asked several times that they add an option for users to go back to the old Dashboard, or at least that the new widgets include all the features of the old Dashboard so I could assemble the stats I really care about on my own time. This company is filled with really bright, helpful, courteous people, but they simply will not make these changes possible. I find myself seriously considering just writing my damn step count down on paper every night.Original review, and still true in all points about the Zip itself:I LOVE my Fitbit!!! (yes, I know its name is ‘Zip’, but to me it’s the ONLY Fitbit. I didn’t think that having it would make a huge difference in my life, I just wanted to know what my daily mileage (or stepage) was. When I got it, I was averaging about 5-6000 steps a day and thought 10,000 was a pipe dream. In a couple months though, I was getting to 10,000 most days. Now, just under a year later, my daily goal is 11,000 but I exceed it almost daily, averaging between 12-13,000. Soon I’ll have to up the daily goal to 13,000. Usually I don’t push really hard, it has simply become second nature to walk more, but Fitbit is an especially handy motivator in two ways: if I am just feeling lazy, I’ll usually force myself to at least do my minimum, and, if I am about ready to pack it in for the night and I see that I am a couple hundred steps from a nice round thousand I’ll usually walk enough to at least push me over that mark. So, safe to say Fitbit has made an impact.How it works:Set it up per the instructions then hang it on your clothes or toss it in a pocket. Mine tracked happily out of the box – just like a pedometre with no setup work. You can tap the display to see your progress in real time. It also links wirelessly through your computer to a dashboard online. You have to actually be moving in space for it to track though, so things like swaying to the music, no matter how energetically, are not going to trigger it. The dashboard shows your progress, as well other handy things like how hard you were exerting during the recorded period. You get a weekly email report summarising your work. You can change some settings on the dashboard to alter the display on the unit. There are all sorts of little extra features on the dashboard like a journal, exercise log, food diary etc. You can also use the dashboard to link with your (fitbit owning) friends to do little challenges, but since I am wildly uncompetitive with anyone but me, I haven’t tried that feature.What I like:Easy to use, cheerful, motivational. The biggest selling point for me was that I didn’t have to do a bunch of set up – that was what kept me from pedometres for ages. Although I took off as much of the display stuff as possible, I left the emoticons on there because some days it just makes me smile to see Fitbit’s happy little grin when I glance at the display. As discussed below, I do not like the form or the body of the other fitbit products, so this one has the advantage of giving me the fitbit benefits in a product I’ll use.What I’d change if I could:I wish you could alter the order of the display. Odds are, if I tap the fitbit display I want to see how many steps I’ve taken. It’s annoying that you can’t have that come up before the clock. I’d also have other things on the display if I could choose the order, but they simply are not worth fighting my way through in order to see what my step number is, so I took them off and I just look at those on the dashboard. Not a major issue, but just a feature I’d like to see added.I wish they offered this body with additional features. The Zip is perfect for my life, I hate having things around my wrist, and I like to be able to check my progress at will, so this is the only fitbit product I will ever wear. However, I’d gladly pay to add on the ability to track my climb, and other features that other fitbit products have.The weekly report shows a happy face for your best day and a frowny face for your worst. I would prefer if you could choose what to display. If my worst day is 14,000 steps I do not feel a frowny face is quite the right response. But, that is minor. If anyone at fitbit reads this, definitely worry about my changes above before your devote yourself to this!So, if you want a simple, user friendly way to track steps, miles, calories burned and effort, this will do the trick.

  3. Girish Elchuri

    This worked well initially with the battery that came with the product. The battery was suppose to last for 6 months, but within 4 months I had to change. When I bought a new battery and put it as per their specifications, within a week it started draining and battery got exhausted. Thinking, there is something wrong with the battery, I have bought from a different place and put. That didn’t last even few days. When I went to the Internet checking for reviews of this product, everyone is blasting it for it’s poor battery behaviour. Fitbit has no way to give feedback and it appears inspite of so many people banging on this product for several years, they have not bothered to either respond on how to overcome or fix it. Overall, I am very disappointed with this product and strongly recommend not to buy it.

  4. shru

    Pathetic battery life. It drained 50% in one week and 90% in two weeks. I regret buying this stupid thing inspite of reading the reviews on it’s bad battery life. Now it’s been two weeks since I bought it and I cant even return it because of the senseless ’10 day return policy’PLEASE DON’T BUY THIS!!!!

  5. beks

    I do like this but it won’t connect via Bluetooth to my phone so I have to sync it via my laptop which then updates my phone. That aside its a great way of monitoring your activity levels & with the app you can connect to friends to set up some friendly competition. Simple but effective.

  6. Terri Johansen

    If you are into the technical aspects of fitness then you will enjoy this review of the Fitbit Zip. This tiny gadget is a clock, pedometer, calculates the distance walked, and the calories you burned, all for the moderate price of $59.95. It has replaced the term pedometer with the latest “Activity Tracker”.The Technical Stuff*The Fitbit Zip is 1.4 inches high, 1.1 inches wide, .38 inch deep and weighs only .28 oz. It’s tiny and can be eencased in a silicone clip. Even in the holder it is small enough to be discreet. It can be worn anywhere on your body, such as your pocket, belt, or bra. Personally, I wear mine on a chain around my neck. The Zip is also rain and sweat-proof.*The Zip comes with a 3V battery which is expected to last from 4-6 months. A low battery screen will alert you when it is time to be replaced. The battery is easy to replace using the battery door tool which locks and unlocks the compartment and is included in the Fitbit Zip packet.*Zip’s trademarked MEMS3-axis accelerometer measurers your motion patterns to calculate your calories burned, distance traveled, and steps taken.*It averages over 90% accuracy in steps taken. It bases the calculations on your personal information which you will enter into the software. I have used the Zip while walking on a treadmill and it works great. It accurately picked up my number of steps as well as providing the other calculations.*The information on the Zip is seen progressively by tapping the screen. Each tap moves you to the next bit of information. Starting with the smiley face, which will become an unsmiling face if it feels you are not exercising enough. Next tap and see the time, tap for steps taken, tap for distance, and tap for calories burned.*Unfortunately the Fitbit Zip does not come with a backlight and it is virtually impossible to see it at night.Software and Synching*There is almost no set-up required. The package contains the Zip(tm) tracker; wireless sync dongle; replaceable battery, the battery door tool, and the Free membership.*The Fitbit tracker is the first all-day activity tracker to offer Bluetooth Smart connectivity. This allows you to receive real time information on your phone, pads, and tablets. There are many fitness apps on the market and the Fitbit Zip is able to connect and export data with many of the most popular apps.*Using the wireless sync dongle, included with your Fitbit, you can sync to your PC, which must be within a 20 ft. distance.*You can log on to and create a free account. Once you have an account you can use the Zip’s synching capabilities to download all of your daily information.*The Zip resets itself each night at 12 a.m. so it’s important to do your synch before bed.*Fitbit software offers online tools that will allow you to log your meals, water, workouts, and weight. There is a huge database of food items to choose from for recording what you eat. This information can travel with you anywhere if you have the mobile app.*The software is a lot of fun. There are an assortment of graphs, tools, and charts which are customizable and can be set up based on your goals. Your personalized dashboard will give you a visual measure of your fitness progress.*The Zip doesn’t record activities other than walking, jogging, or running. However, if you are a biker you can track your activities through the Fitbit software.*Get your friends and family to connect to and you can have some fun competition. The leader board will keep you informed on your standing in the competition all throughout the day.*The Fitbit Zip comes in five colors: blue, magenta, white, charcoal, and lime.I bought my Fitbit Zip a month ago and I love it. Not only is it cute but it is convenient and functional; I no longer wear a wrist watch. I find I’m motivated to check my steps and see when I might need to take a couple walks around the block. The set up was very simple and I was using it 5 minutes after I took it out of the package

  7. Patsy

    Good if uyou just want astep counter, although doesn’t always match what is shown on the web page

  8. Kat Morris

    I am leaving my original review, because truly, the Zip itself remains WONDERFUL and I wish I could write a separate review just about the choices of the company – but alas.Condensed version: If you just want a GREAT pedometer without all the annoyance of normal pedometers, the Zip is PERFECT and will change your life. If you want to use the interactive web features, the new Fitbit Dashboard will ruin all the good that the walking is doing for your blood pressure.The whole saga:The Zip syncs to your computer or phone, and you can go to the Fitbit website to see various stats about your steps, on what is called the Dashboard. Up until recently the Dashboard has been simple, easy to use, clear – everything you need if your main interest is more steps, not sitting in front of a computer for more hours each day.The Dashboard used to be a fun and integral part of my Fitbit experience. I checked it frequently and enjoyed numerous features. Now it is a frustration that I endure only to make sure my Zip is syncing. I still OPEN the page frequently, but that is because it takes so many attempts to actually get the information I need.This is because a month or so ago, Fitbit changed the Dashboard, and not for the better. Now instead of one pretty simple page, there are a number of large widgets you have to reconfigure to get the information the one page used to present quickly and simply. And this would be a minor annoyance, EXCEPT that the damn widgets don’t contain all the same information the one simple page used to! So, I had to spend ten minutes recreating a sorry imitation of a previously useful site. To make things even better, the new Dashboard now takes FOR-freaking-EVER to load. I am not exaggerating when I say that I regularly have to close the window and wait for another time to check the Dashboard because I simply haven’t any more time to sit waiting for it to load. I have asked several times that they add an option for users to go back to the old Dashboard, or at least that the new widgets include all the features of the old Dashboard so I could assemble the stats I really care about on my own time. This company is filled with really bright, helpful, courteous people, but they simply will not make these changes possible. I find myself seriously considering just writing my damn step count down on paper every night.Original review, and still true in all points about the Zip itself:I LOVE my Fitbit!!! (yes, I know its name is ‘Zip’, but to me it’s the ONLY Fitbit. I didn’t think that having it would make a huge difference in my life, I just wanted to know what my daily mileage (or stepage) was. When I got it, I was averaging about 5-6000 steps a day and thought 10,000 was a pipe dream. In a couple months though, I was getting to 10,000 most days. Now, just under a year later, my daily goal is 11,000 but I exceed it almost daily, averaging between 12-13,000. Soon I’ll have to up the daily goal to 13,000. Usually I don’t push really hard, it has simply become second nature to walk more, but Fitbit is an especially handy motivator in two ways: if I am just feeling lazy, I’ll usually force myself to at least do my minimum, and, if I am about ready to pack it in for the night and I see that I am a couple hundred steps from a nice round thousand I’ll usually walk enough to at least push me over that mark. So, safe to say Fitbit has made an impact.How it works:Set it up per the instructions then hang it on your clothes or toss it in a pocket. Mine tracked happily out of the box – just like a pedometre with no setup work. You can tap the display to see your progress in real time. It also links wirelessly through your computer to a dashboard online. You have to actually be moving in space for it to track though, so things like swaying to the music, no matter how energetically, are not going to trigger it. The dashboard shows your progress, as well other handy things like how hard you were exerting during the recorded period. You get a weekly email report summarising your work. You can change some settings on the dashboard to alter the display on the unit. There are all sorts of little extra features on the dashboard like a journal, exercise log, food diary etc. You can also use the dashboard to link with your (fitbit owning) friends to do little challenges, but since I am wildly uncompetitive with anyone but me, I haven’t tried that feature.What I like:Easy to use, cheerful, motivational. The biggest selling point for me was that I didn’t have to do a bunch of set up – that was what kept me from pedometres for ages. Although I took off as much of the display stuff as possible, I left the emoticons on there because some days it just makes me smile to see Fitbit’s happy little grin when I glance at the display. As discussed below, I do not like the form or the body of the other fitbit products, so this one has the advantage of giving me the fitbit benefits in a product I’ll use.What I’d change if I could:I wish you could alter the order of the display. Odds are, if I tap the fitbit display I want to see how many steps I’ve taken. It’s annoying that you can’t have that come up before the clock. I’d also have other things on the display if I could choose the order, but they simply are not worth fighting my way through in order to see what my step number is, so I took them off and I just look at those on the dashboard. Not a major issue, but just a feature I’d like to see added.I wish they offered this body with additional features. The Zip is perfect for my life, I hate having things around my wrist, and I like to be able to check my progress at will, so this is the only fitbit product I will ever wear. However, I’d gladly pay to add on the ability to track my climb, and other features that other fitbit products have.The weekly report shows a happy face for your best day and a frowny face for your worst. I would prefer if you could choose what to display. If my worst day is 14,000 steps I do not feel a frowny face is quite the right response. But, that is minor. If anyone at fitbit reads this, definitely worry about my changes above before your devote yourself to this!So, if you want a simple, user friendly way to track steps, miles, calories burned and effort, this will do the trick.

  9. DebbieT

    I have been really pleased with my Fitbit Zip. I check it regularly and I haven’t changed the battery since I bought it in June. It’s great to keep track of my steps on the dashboard on my mobile phone and has made me walk more, most days exceeding the recommended 10,000 steps. Two friends have bought them since walking with me and seeing the steps increase.

  10. Evan

    Returned this one due to realising it can have a very short battery life. First one lasted 3 weeks when it stated it should be good for a few months. Could be just a diff battery but also don’t like the idea of having button batteries around the house when I have children. Ended up buying the next model up which charges through USB. Shorter battery span, but more easily recharged.

  11. Chris Roberts

    Would not connect to the Samsung Galaxy s5. Which made it useless for the person I bought it for. I had to put the phone into recovery mode and clear all data, restart phone and it connected but disconnected again after 10 minutes 🙁 It did however connect to my galaxy s7 but it wasn’t bought for me so had to return it.

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Fitbit Zip Charcoal Tracker

Fitbit Zip: Stay motivated and track fitness progress easily.

Fitbit tracks steps, syncs to phone, sets goals, competes with friends.

- Tracks activity
- Easy to use


- Limited features

- Small and discreet
- Affordable

- Not as accurate

- Syncs with app
- Long battery life

- No heart rate monitor



in stock


The Fitbit Zip Wireless Activity Tracker in Charcoal is a reliable companion for anyone seeking to transform their daily routine into an exciting fitness journey. This device is more than just a pedometer, as it tracks steps, distance, and calories burned, and syncs all data to your Fitbit account automatically. With the Fitbit app, users can set fitness goals and remain motivated by tracking progress with graphs, badges, and friendly competitions.

The Fitbit Zip Wireless Activity Tracker is a versatile device that can connect to your computer or select Bluetooth 4.0 smartphones and tablets. Users can sync their stats wirelessly and in real-time, making it easy to track progress. The device comes with a free iPhone and Android application, providing an easy-to-use interface to view daily progress, set goals, and compete with friends and family.

The Fitbit Zip Wireless Activity Tracker has a 3-volt coin battery that powers its display. If users experience any issues with the device, they can easily reset it by removing the battery and waiting for 10 seconds before reinserting it. The device also comes with a battery door tool that allows for easy removal and reinstallation of the battery.



  • Tracks steps, distance and calories burned
  • Automatic sync to computer and select smartphones
  • Goal setting and progress tracking with badges
  • Share and compete with friends
  • Free iphone and android app
  • Sync stats wirelessly to 150+ smartphones
  • // SPECS

    Is Discontinued By ManufacturerNo
    Product Dimensions0.25 x 1.25 x 1.75 inches, 0.32 Ounces
    Item model numberFB301C
    DepartmentGNC, ALL, ALL, Others Category
    Batteries1 Lithium Metal batteries required. (included)
    Date First Available2012, September 17
    ManufacturerFitbit Inc
    Department: GNC|ALL|ALL|Others Category
    Model #: FB301C
    Discontinued: No
    Fitbit Zip Charcoal Tracker
    released on September 17, 2012

    Where to Buy

    This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

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    The Fitbit Zip Charcoal Tracker is a small device that tracks your daily steps, distance and calories burned. It syncs wirelessly to your smartphone or computer and allows you to set goals and track your progress. The tracker is water-resistant and includes a replaceable battery that lasts up to six months. The device is perfect for individuals looking to track simple fitness metrics without the bulk of a larger fitness tracker.

    // Fitbit Company Profile

    Fitbit was started in 2007 by James Park and Eric Friedman in San Francisco. Their aim is to lead people into living healthier and better lives and they do this through their fitness tracking devices. Fitbit’s debut into wearable technology was with the Fitbit Classic, which was introduced into the market in 2008. – View Profile

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