SMI Eye Tracking Glasses 2.0 1

SMI Eye Tracking Glasses 2.0



A while back we introduced you to the SMI Eye Tracking Glasses, a pair of 3D glasses that used cameras in order to track where the user was looking and change the perspective. Well German based company SensoMotoric Instruments, or SMI, has just announced the Eye Tracking Glass version 2.0, and they sport a number of great updates and new features.

The first thing to notice about the 2nd version of these glasses is the fact that they are much sleeker and more stylish. They look a lot more professional and well put together. This is partly due to the fact that the first version was more of a concept than a product to be released to the general public.

The features under the hood have also been improved upon. The setup for the glasses is instant, and the tracking system runs at 60 Hz. The recording device for the system is also smartphone based, so we should see an app for the glasses closer to the release of the product.

The SMI Eye Tracking Glasses are also expected to be able to be paired with other products such as an Emotiv EEG headset. This should make for some very interesting applications to the product.

Currently the release date of the AMI Eye Tracking Glasses is unknown, but we should see it being released in the near future. Keep your eyes on wearable technology news, cause this product is sure to be an interesting one!

// SMI Company Profile

SensoMotoric Instruments, or SMI, is a computer vision company that was founded in 1991 and aims to create the best solutions available for computer vision. SMI is best known for their 3D glasses that use cameras to adjust focus. – View Profile

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