ECLIPS System Makes Your Coat Easy to Find at Parties 1

ECLIPS System Makes Your Coat Easy to Find at Parties


We’ve all been there. You go to a party or a hopping club, spend a few hours trying to enjoy yourself and then, when time comes to leave, end up spending another few hours trying to locate your coat or jacket. When winter has hit hard, keeping track of your coat(especially while drunk) can be a difficult assignment indeed. Have you ever tried to dig through one of those coat piles on someone’s bed during a wild party? In the dark, all coats look the same. It’s tough! In any event, if only there was a way to apply some much loved wearable technology concepts to this age-old dilemma. Don’t worry, there is!

Introducing the ECLIPS System. This system, designed by Cooper Union student Alyssa Davis, can help reduce coat-retrieval time by as much as seventy five percent. How does it accomplish such a time-saving feat? Essentially, each coat is outfitted with a blinking electronic light to make finding a breeze. Also, instead of the ridiculous ticket system used by current coat check services, it uses a special ink on your wrist that only shows up on ultra violet light. In other words, once you are stamped, aint no bozo gonna steal your coat.

This is a concept design for now, although it is a working one. We have no idea when this system will begin showing up at bars, clubs and parties near you. In the meantime, just brave the weather and hit up the bar wearing just a t-shirt. You might freeze to death but leaving to go home will be a breeze! Here is a video.

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