Do It Yourself Wearable Tech 1

Do It Yourself Wearable Tech


Do-It-Yourself for Wearable Electronic is a brand new Category for the site. We decided to introduce you to the DIY activities and possibilities initiated by other people and groups; and expand those activities with our own contributions.

DIY is a growing trend in the fashion world today. Many of us want to personalize the ‘standard’ offer in the shops and quite a few of us go so far to create and wear our own creations.

In our recent reviews and outlooks, we took a look at the trends and activities of Wearable Electronic fashion for the coming year.

Wearable Electronics is still in its infancy, it will take time to find a wide range and variety of items to hit stores.

DIY for Wearable Electronics can help us to get what we want earlier. Yes, it takes some manual work, it needs some learning and time to run around and get all tools needed.

But fortunately, there is help and support available to you. We’ll introduce you to the people devoted to DIY Wearable Electronics, give you our own ideas, and when needed, lend a helping hand for easy to follow creations of your very own Techno Fashion.

The first person we are introducing is also the most devoted, creative and inspirational Wearable Electronic expert we know: Leah Buechley.

Leah Buechley Leah is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Colorado and a member of the Craft Technology Group. Her research interests include electronic textiles and wearable computing, tangible interfaces, education, and human computer interaction.

The first and highly inspirational project she created in Wearable Electronics was the LED Tank Top. The most remarkable on this project is not only the unique idea behind but also the way Leah documented the creation of the LED Tank Top.

If you follow the link above, what we highly recommend, you can check out yourself how detailed she describes each step, gives a lists and sources for every single element needed for the project, be it a needle or be it a IC programming device.

She created the LED Tank Top back in 2005. In the meantime, Leah developed many more DIY projects and posted them on her site, again with all the information needed to either rebuild the same item or use it for your own inspiration and designs.

Leah has a wealth of information on her site, it would be too much to highlight everything here in one post. We will revisit her work in future articles and introduce you to the different project ideas, expand them and add our own ideas to it.

Check out our Blog again soon and explore together with us the DIY possibilities that people like Leah and other folks have started and take Wearable Electronic in our own hands.

Let us inspire you to make 2007 a creative and fashionable year by expanding your Techno Fashion collection.

SubType: DIY
Tags: DIY Leaders

// Craft Technology Group Company Profile

Craft technology is a University of Colorado term for the interweaving of computation with craft materials. This blending can take many forms, including the application of specialized software to aid in the design and construction of crafts. – View Profile

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1 Comment. Leave new

  • jessica cyrus
    April 4, 2023 3:01 pm

    My name is jessica. I know you probably receive tons of emails every day, so I’ll keep it short.

    Here are a few samples of our blog posts and the writing style:

    Do you mind if I send you the draft so you can see if it’s a good fit for your website?

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Thanks & Regards
    Jessica Cyrus


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