
6 Reviews for RENPHO Eye Massager with Heat

  1. Alan Robertson

    This heated massager interested me because I’d recently been recommended two activities to help with newly diagnosed blepharitis. These were to use a heated eye mask and also to perform regular massages to my eyelids. This appeared to tick both boxes and I was keen to give it a go.I’d previously bought RENPHO scales which I’m very happy with (the accompanying app is great too) so I felt confident in the brand.The high-quality packaging reminded me of opening an Apple product which for me was a great start. Very simple contents – the massager, USB charging cable, instructions and warranty card.On picking up the massager, it looks and feels well made and, although it’s not particularly light, it’s very comfortable to wear.Switching it on for the first time (it arrived fully charged), I didn’t know what to expect and the whir of the electric motor and gentle whoosh of the pressure being released were quite noticeable. However, they were more soothing than aggravating. The sound is reassuring and the ambient background music is relaxing. I haven’t yet tried pairing it with Bluetooth for my own music but that’s a nice touch I will be investigating later.As for the massage action (the important bit), I was a little cautious initially. The thought of something mechanical on my eyes seemed a little unsettling. I needn’t have worried. Even on its highest and warmest setting, it was very comfortable and I relaxed in no time. As well as feeling the massage effect on my eyes, I’d feel it gripping and massaging my temples as the eye pads went through their action. The action feels strong and positive and the heat is comfortable and comparable to what I’d previously had from gel pads in a simple eye mask.Using the controls is really straightforward, as they’re easily found and the clear voice prompts confirm your selections.I’m only a few days in and undecided about which mode I prefer. It’s a bit of a learning curve as, apart from their titles, a briefest description and duration, there’s no more detail. I’d like to know more as I definitely hear and feel different massage actions. That’s a small shame but doesn’t put me off and I’m sure I’ll find a favourite. It’s relaxing enough that I’ve already fallen asleep mid-session, only to be awakened by the end of session announcement.So far it definitely gets a thumbs-up and I’ve been letting friends and family have a go with it too (making sure to clean it between users). They’ve all been positive too. Initially one said ‘how do you manage to keep your eyes open to get them massaged?’ Erm, you don’t! I thought that would have been obvious, but perhaps not!

  2. Cendrine ☀️

    The media could not be loaded.  Finding the right product with things like this that seem to be mostly made by foreign manufacturers I always find a minefield. With no domestic advertising or brand recognition with a lot of these types of products it often seem a bit of a stab in the dark. However all we can do is go by other people’s reviews and trust that there genuine. I recieved this yesterday and have used it five times already and my wife has used it twice and we can both say that this is a brilliant piece of kit! I suffer with M.E with brings with it constant fatigue around the eyes along with headaches and migrains and this product helped last night with a bad headach far more than I had even hoped it would. It leaves your eyes feeling refreshed like you’ve just had an amazingly restful nights sleep after just ten minutes! I thought the music was a bit of a gimic to start with but it does actually help you relax and the while experience is very isolating from the outside world a and the stresses it brings. Overall I cant recommend this enough.

  3. Skizzokiter

    I bought this for my wife, she loves it, I tried it on and felt like it was massaging my eyeballs which was not terribly enjoyable. Eventually after moving it around on my face I found a position that actually felt good around my eyes, I then realized it was pressed pretty hard down on the bridge of my nose. I asked my wife if she was experiencing any of these issues and she said “no”. I can only conclude that it is a bit on the small side for a user with a larger head/face. I also had troubles on the first night also because the blue indicator light throws a pretty bright blue beam across the room onto the wall while I was trying to sleep. I put a small piece of white vinyl over it and you can still see it but it no longer projects a blue beam to disturb others in the room at night.Pros:•The product voice is clear and easy to understand.• the built in relaxation sounds are nice.• The build quality seems pretty decent.• The bluetooth sound is clear.Cons:• The mask seems more engineered to a smaller head/face type, probably female.• At night the blue indicator light throws a noticeable “spotlight” of blue out.

  4. Brian

    I used to come home with headaches, blurry eyes, and be very irritable because I was in so much pain. I work in a lab where I stare into microscopes and computer screens all day. Migraines were a common thing for me.The very first time I used the eye massager I was nervous letting anything near my eyes. Thankfully it’s gentle, pressure stays outside the orbital lobe and around the temples. While soothing heat passes over the eyes/lids.After using it I was shocked by the results:- I could see clearly, distant objects were sharp again. Something that worried me, thought I might need glasses.- My headache was gone, all tension around my eyes totally relieved.- Great night sleep, fell asleep while using it few times too. It’s perfect before bed. Very relaxing.- The dark circles under my eyes are going away! I was getting self conscious about my eyes always looking tired. People would often ask me if I was ok. I wasn’t, obviously, but it made things worse to have it show.I own a few items from RENPHO, this is by far the best. Thank you for making this affordable, it’s helping so many people.My wife ordered one after trying it, it helps her sinuses before bed so she sleeps better. It’s just a great device, telling my coworkers about it too. Can’t recommend this enough.

  5. Dorian M.

    I bought this device and a migraine cap to help me with my barometric headaches. I tend to be very sensitive when the weather changes and it’s overcast or cloudy for more than 24hrs without rain. I get these low grade headaches that just don’t go away and then almost turn to mild migraines so I thought this help me try a homeopathic way instead of taking OTC meds. I personally didn’t care for the heat as it did heat up very quickly and then I found it too much for me, so I only gave it less than a minute before changing settings. Unit has a heat, compression setting. Heat, compression, vibration (which seemed more like a pulsate) setting. A compression and a vibrate setting. It has soothing music that I didn’t find to be annoying and seems to go through a series of massage rotations for about 10mins before powering down. Although it didn’t get rid of my headache on its own (meaning I still needed medication) it help to keep the headache from progressing. You can adjust the pressure to heavy or soft, I preferred the heavy and overall I’m glad I purchased this. I found myself also using it as night when I seemed to be restless and it helped to calm me down.

  6. Ian Hambly-Brooks

    I didn’t expect it to be good in quality, I thought this must be some local Chinese product. But I was wrong, Its really good quality and has many features. My favorite one is Air pressure, heat with Vibrations. Though the music sound is really low, and at night hours its soothing.I’m using it since I was facing dry eyes due to extended Laptop use.Things to take care to get rid of Dry Eyes1. Buy ITONE eye drops2. Get a monitor and use keyboard with your laptop3. Use this massage often, take breaks (quick nap after lunch time)4. Get a room Humidifier (Geek H9 nova)5. Get a Eye glasses (Anemone blue light glasses)6. Get Omega3 tablets (check 1mg), B12 (Retset tablets) And Vitamin D3 (Uprise D3)Hope this helps, don’t forget to drink alot of water

  7. Alan Robertson

    This heated massager interested me because I’d recently been recommended two activities to help with newly diagnosed blepharitis. These were to use a heated eye mask and also to perform regular massages to my eyelids. This appeared to tick both boxes and I was keen to give it a go.I’d previously bought RENPHO scales which I’m very happy with (the accompanying app is great too) so I felt confident in the brand.The high-quality packaging reminded me of opening an Apple product which for me was a great start. Very simple contents – the massager, USB charging cable, instructions and warranty card.On picking up the massager, it looks and feels well made and, although it’s not particularly light, it’s very comfortable to wear.Switching it on for the first time (it arrived fully charged), I didn’t know what to expect and the whir of the electric motor and gentle whoosh of the pressure being released were quite noticeable. However, they were more soothing than aggravating. The sound is reassuring and the ambient background music is relaxing. I haven’t yet tried pairing it with Bluetooth for my own music but that’s a nice touch I will be investigating later.As for the massage action (the important bit), I was a little cautious initially. The thought of something mechanical on my eyes seemed a little unsettling. I needn’t have worried. Even on its highest and warmest setting, it was very comfortable and I relaxed in no time. As well as feeling the massage effect on my eyes, I’d feel it gripping and massaging my temples as the eye pads went through their action. The action feels strong and positive and the heat is comfortable and comparable to what I’d previously had from gel pads in a simple eye mask.Using the controls is really straightforward, as they’re easily found and the clear voice prompts confirm your selections.I’m only a few days in and undecided about which mode I prefer. It’s a bit of a learning curve as, apart from their titles, a briefest description and duration, there’s no more detail. I’d like to know more as I definitely hear and feel different massage actions. That’s a small shame but doesn’t put me off and I’m sure I’ll find a favourite. It’s relaxing enough that I’ve already fallen asleep mid-session, only to be awakened by the end of session announcement.So far it definitely gets a thumbs-up and I’ve been letting friends and family have a go with it too (making sure to clean it between users). They’ve all been positive too. Initially one said ‘how do you manage to keep your eyes open to get them massaged?’ Erm, you don’t! I thought that would have been obvious, but perhaps not!

  8. Brian

    I used to come home with headaches, blurry eyes, and be very irritable because I was in so much pain. I work in a lab where I stare into microscopes and computer screens all day. Migraines were a common thing for me.The very first time I used the eye massager I was nervous letting anything near my eyes. Thankfully it’s gentle, pressure stays outside the orbital lobe and around the temples. While soothing heat passes over the eyes/lids.After using it I was shocked by the results:- I could see clearly, distant objects were sharp again. Something that worried me, thought I might need glasses.- My headache was gone, all tension around my eyes totally relieved.- Great night sleep, fell asleep while using it few times too. It’s perfect before bed. Very relaxing.- The dark circles under my eyes are going away! I was getting self conscious about my eyes always looking tired. People would often ask me if I was ok. I wasn’t, obviously, but it made things worse to have it show.I own a few items from RENPHO, this is by far the best. Thank you for making this affordable, it’s helping so many people.My wife ordered one after trying it, it helps her sinuses before bed so she sleeps better. It’s just a great device, telling my coworkers about it too. Can’t recommend this enough.

  9. Peaches2461

    This was a “not so sober” Amazon purchase and when it arrived I thought for sure I would be returning it. Boy was I wrong!!! The massage feature is fantastic and the heating function is so nice. It’s like an air massage chair for your eye sockets and temples. I just wish you could set it to massage longer than 15 minutes. I work on a computer 8-10 hours a day and I run it twice before bed and it really makes my eye strain feel better. Best silly purchase I’ve ever made. I want my employer to buy a few for the break room for everyone to enjoy at work!! I can’t recommend this enough!!

  10. Michael Swoyer

    I suffer from nagging sinus headaches, especially during weather changes and just thought I’d been taking way too many OTC pain relievers. This was one of those flash deals, so I thought I’d give it a try. I use it multiple times a week, so I’m glad I did.First the negs: The eye massage is surprisingly firm and takes some getting used to. It’s also loud. In my case, the frame sits right across my sinuses when I put it on, so that has to be adjusted. I think of it almost as industrial relaxation; subtlety has been tossed right out the window and you will relax NOW!Not that that’s a bad thing, especially if you’re an insensitive oaf, such as myself.No, this baby really takes command: on comes the music, the massage starts and the heat begins. Before you know it, you’re off in lala land, getting to know your inner vegetable.Bottom line: if the phrase “Pamper yourself” sends shivers up and down your spine then this is your gadget.

  11. Addie K.

    A friend shared this with me on a girls trip. I thought if was great and immediately purchased it. I then promptly forgot, but when it arrived the day after I got home I was pleasantly surprised. I often use it st the end of the day. It’s incredibly relaxing. Since I purchased it, I have recommended it to several friends and family members and, if I’m being honest, I should be earning a paycheck for promoting this thing. The battery life could be better, but if you remember to charge it every couple of days it will work fine. I didn’t read the directions, so if I don’t want the music on I just press buttons haphazardly until is stops. I don’tike the vibration ,but the air pressure and heat are fantastic features. It helps with headaches and tension relief. I did not have buyer’s remorse with this guy.

  12. Cendrine ??

    Finding the right product with things like this that seem to be mostly made by foreign manufacturers I always find a minefield. With no domestic advertising or brand recognition with a lot of these types of products it often seem a bit of a stab in the dark. However all we can do is go by other people’s reviews and trust that there genuine. I recieved this yesterday and have used it five times already and my wife has used it twice and we can both say that this is a brilliant piece of kit! I suffer with M.E with brings with it constant fatigue around the eyes along with headaches and migrains and this product helped last night with a bad headach far more than I had even hoped it would. It leaves your eyes feeling refreshed like you’ve just had an amazingly restful nights sleep after just ten minutes! I thought the music was a bit of a gimic to start with but it does actually help you relax and the while experience is very isolating from the outside world a and the stresses it brings. Overall I cant recommend this enough.

  13. Michael Swoyer

    I suffer from nagging sinus headaches, especially during weather changes and just thought I’d been taking way too many OTC pain relievers. This was one of those flash deals, so I thought I’d give it a try. I use it multiple times a week, so I’m glad I did.First the negs: The eye massage is surprisingly firm and takes some getting used to. It’s also loud. In my case, the frame sits right across my sinuses when I put it on, so that has to be adjusted. I think of it almost as industrial relaxation; subtlety has been tossed right out the window and you will relax NOW!Not that that’s a bad thing, especially if you’re an insensitive oaf, such as myself.No, this baby really takes command: on comes the music, the massage starts and the heat begins. Before you know it, you’re off in lala land, getting to know your inner vegetable.Bottom line: if the phrase “Pamper yourself” sends shivers up and down your spine then this is your gadget.

  14. Germaine

    A friend recommended this product to me because we work and look at a computer all day. I was excited to get one and it was on sale. When it arrived I was eager to try it. I didn’t have a headache, but wanted to see what it was like using it. At first it took me a while to get used to where the buttons were and I thought I liked the strong massaging on my temple area but turns out it gave me a headache. I wouldn’t recommend using the strong massage setting unless you have a headache. I really liked the heat on my eyes. At first, I thought it was going to get too hot, but that was just me. The heat never got so hot that it would do any harm. I’m still getting used to the product still and with some slight adjustments to the headband and the pressure I know I will love the product more. I bought this massager to help my eyes relax after looking at electronics most of the day. I’m still giving it 5 star because it works as advertised.

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RENPHO Eye Massager with Heat

RENPHO Eye Massager: Soothing heat, adjustable, portable, Bluetooth music, great gift for moms.



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The Renpho Eye Massager with Heat is a top-of-the-line product designed to help reduce eye strain, dark circles, and dry eyes. Its built-in heating pads provide a comfortable temperature between 104 and 107 degrees Fahrenheit, which promotes relaxation and can improve symptoms such as dry eyes and dark circles. However, it’s important to note that this eye machine should not be used if you have undergone eye operation, retina condition, cataract, glaucoma, etc.

The Renpho Eye Massager adopts oscillating pressure and rhythmic percussion massaging, which can reduce eye strain and improve the skin around the eyes. Additionally, the eye heating massager with Bluetooth music can play a good sedative effect and help you sleep better. Wear it for 15 minutes before going to bed every night, and you will be totally relaxed and enjoy a better sweet dream.

This electric eye massager is 180° adjustable and has a portable design that can be folded into a smaller one, making it suitable for use in the office, airplane, or while travelling. The headband can be easily adjusted in size and is suitable for all teenagers and adults. However, if it feels too tight or too loose, adjust the headband to find the right size.

Built-in speakers and pre-recorded sound enhance relaxation, and you can even connect via Bluetooth to play your own playlists. Music reduces anxiety and the physical effects of stress, so enjoy it while using the eye massager. The Bluetooth name is Eye Massager.



  • Comfortable Heating Massage
  • Relax Your Eyes
  • 180° Adjustable & Portable Design
  • Bluetooth Customizable Music
  • Ideal Mothers Day Gifts
  • // Q & A

    Is there any way to have just heat on and no massaging/vibration/music?

    Don’t listen to the people saying you can’t have just the heat. You can. It’s it the manual. You just have to tap the power button until you get to the only heat setting (a voice announces each setting as you change it). You turn the music off by tapping on the music note. Tapping on the note makes the volume louder and louder until around the fifth tap, turns the sound off completely. Just tap it again to turn the sound back on.

    How well does this work on migraines?

    Wonderfully, as long as the heat doesn't stop working. Mine stopped after 3 months.

    Does it always come in an unwrapped or untaped box. I hate to think that it had already been worn or used?

    Mine came with the box opened and the cable unwrapped. I asked for a replacement because I didn't buy it used.

    Can the heat be turned on at any time or does it have to be selected when turning it on?

    The heat is automatically on but you can change the setting at any time.

    Buyers only, please: How long does it take to relieve your eye strain so you can read again? I know it varies, still I want to know your experience.

    It only takes my wife about 20 min, if that sometimes.

    // SPECS

    Product Dimensions7.87 x 5.51 x 4.33 inches, 1.1 Pounds
    Item model numberRF-EM001
    Batteries1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included)
    Date First Available2019, June 3
    RENPHO Eye Massager with Heat

    Where to Buy

    This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

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