Who doesn’t love a good exoseleton? The fine folks over at Lockheed Martin sure do. The weapons and all around awesome stuff manufacturer is at it again, with their HULC robotic exoskeleton which is being built for military use. It’s like a real life Iron Man! Tony Stark must be pissed.
The company has been hard at work on this unit for a while, and it has finally entered the testing phase of its development. How does one test a massive robotic exokeleton? The testing follows a number of improvements made to the massive exoskeleton that attempted to increase its reliability and performance. This includes some new environmental sealing that provides additional protection from natural elements and battlefield hazards, and some refinements to the HULC’s form and fit that promise to let its wearer adapt to it in less time.
There’s also a ton of cool simulated battlefields. Really. It’s like laser tag, only deadly. Really deadly. We will keep you updated on the HULC as it develops and will let you know when it will be ready for third world dictators to buy it.