First there was the humble pencil. They soon fell out of favor with the rise of the pen. Then came the typewriter and, eventually, the Internet. Ever since the Internet came to be the number one way in which we communicate, the poor pen has gotten the short end of the Bic. Those days may be long gone. Finally, the age of the “smartpen” is upon us. Get those pocket protectors ready.
Livescribe, noted techy pen manufacturer, has been hard at work for years trying to perfect this concept. It looks like they finally have. Introducing Livescribe’s Sky, the pen that automatically uploads the stuff you write to the Internet. It remembers each and everything you write, but not only that. The Sky also records audio whenever you are writing and will play the synced audio whenever you double click on a portion of handwriting. This is of particular use for students, but angry letter writers could also find a use for it.
Everything gets automatically uploaded to an Evernote account for easy perusing, no matter what device you are on. Â Gotta love the cloud. The Sky comes in 2GB, 4GB, and 8GB versions. The smartpen can also hold up to 800 hours of audio and recharges using a micro-USB connection. You can check out a demonstration of how it works in the video below. Aint technology grand?