True computational clothing is the holy grail of this site We all want to be draped in microchips that can do whatever it is our imaginations can cook up. Well, we’ve just gotten one step closer to realizing that dream. Researchers from IMEC have created a cheap (About 1/10th the cost of microchips), bendable microprocessor.
How does this work? The researchers layered a plastic substrate, gold circuits, organic dielectric, and a pentacene organic semiconductor to create an 8-bit logic circuit with 4000 transistors. Yeah, that’s a whole lot of words. Let’s just say they merged the bendy and the not-so bendy into an amalgam of wonderfulness.
Thus far, they only engineer 6 processes per second, which won’t make it win any intelligence contests anytime soon. Still, it’s a good start and we all know how quickly things speed up in the world of computing. Nerd fashion is about to get a whole lot nerdier.