Let us paint a tragic scenario for you. You are sitting outside, enjoying a brew and perhaps a hamburger or two(it is summer, after all.) Suddenly, a duo of neighborhood cats jump on your backyard trampoline for a few rounds of “space cat.” You grab your smartphone and boot up the camera but of course you miss it. The moment has passed. Those two cats are now sleeping by a stump or sniffing one another’s butts. What can you do? It’s not like you can go back in time and it’s not like there is a wearable camera that anticipates exciting moments and takes photos. The former? Not a chance. The latter? Hold on to your trampolines, this is set to be a reality.
Introducing the Autographer wearable camera, which launches tomorrow. This handy doodad can be strapped to your belt, worn like a necklace or affixed anywhere else on your person. Then it uses five separate sensors to note changes that usually indicate something exciting is going on. It starts snapping photos immediately, without you having to do anything at all. The Autographer also syncs up to your smartphone and sends the photos immediately via Bluetooth like a text. Now you can prove to the world that two feisty felines took a ride on your trampoline! Of course, it doesn’t exactly know much about focusing or framing a shot so that could be an issue moving forward.
We’ll see how it works out when it launches tomorrow at the hefty price of $614.